Diferentes tipos de escavadeiras e seus usos


Excavators come in various sizes and shapes, each designed for a unique purpose.

Mini excavators are small and can fit into tight spaces, making them ideal for urban construction or landscaping projects. These machines are lightweight and easy to operate, making them popular with contractors who want to complete tasks quickly.

Large excavators are essential in industries like mining and heavy construction. They are commonly used on large construction sites due to their versatile bucket sizes and robust construction.

Conversely, Long reach excavators are ideal for projects that require excavation and dredging work in lakes, rivers, harbors, or other water bodies. These machines usually have longer hydraulic arms that can easily reach the intended depth, preventing the need for manual labor or tools.

No matter the type of excavator you use, they all have one thing in common: efficiency. They’re built to optimize any work site and significantly increase productivity.